Keven & Ogla Kenny and their Boys
Updates Below:
Kevin Kinney
May 29, 2020, 4:44 PM (4 days ago)
Dear praying brothers and sisters,
I feel the need to sit and spend some time writing all of you. We have had some 8 weeks of virtually absolute lockdown.
Now it´s starting to come to an end and it´s like climbing out of a tornado shelter after a category 4 storm, except that the
damage has been and is still being done to people rather than to nature and buildings.
At the beginning of this experience we sort of looked around and said, “What can we do to serve the Lord cooped up here?”
Our activities with children and the people of our town were closed down and still are… However, in a very short time I
believe the Lord opened up a great door of service for us which we perceive will continue from now on.
Let me give you an idea of what we´ve been doing…and a couple special prayer requests.
Let´s see:
of ladies, both ours and one in another town, and Kevin has discipled a young man who attends a church an hour away
and has no one there who can help him.
3. On Tuesdays we have our Bible study and prayer time. Several have attended from other congregations.
4. Wednesday or Thursday mornings were taken up with phone calls discipling another young man, and in the
evening Kevin just started up a Zoom Bible study and discipleship session with another young man in Puerto Rico.
Pray for their growth and understanding and wisdom.
5. Thursday evenings are game time with several people. We came up with a variation of “Wits & Wagers” using
Bible questions. It goes over well…we´ve even played it with Zoom with my family in Puerto Rico and the U.S. It helps
with our bonds of friendship and family.
inductively. The response has been really good, and we´re quite sure that this Zoom meeting with be on-going. It´s a
small group of about 8 from 4 different towns, but it´s so encouraging to have an input in these men and women.
Other than that, Olga has been on the phone a lot with people, and Kevin, aside from preparing for the week, has been
starting to record some his projects for podcasts and has started to put together a book that hopefully will serve as a manual,
a resource to help with interpretive issues regarding many passages on “faith” and “salvation”. Unfortunately, we had to
postpone our trip northwest to the seminary for the intensive course on the Feasts of Israel until Passover of 2021. But we´re
looking forward to it.
We did have the opportunity to give out food to several needy famiiies. Olga was able to do this as an exceptional thing
during the almost absolute lockdown. I´ll add a few pics at the end.
We are planning on returning to our meeting place this coming Sunday. But we don´t want to lose the fellowship we have
had with several who, without leaving their own churches and not having meetings in the evening, have joined our Zoom
meetings in the evenings in Moià. They want to encourage our small fellowship. So, we are working on a way to have them
on a large screen via Zoom and participating with us in our meetings…even speaking from far away. And speaking of that,
Bob and Karon Schneider (that´s my sister and brother-in-law) had me do some speaking over in Puerto Rico via audio
conference a couple times. And I´ve been asked to speak again this Sunday afternoon (6-hour difference).
Another good thing that has come about is that John, an older Catalan gentleman that Kevin has spent a lot of time with,
has been attending our Zoom meetings both on Tuesdays and Sundays. He listens well and then we all chat with him after
the formal meeting is over. Pray that he will be convinced and convicted by everyone present, and that he will be saved.
His wife also has expressed an interest in "talking about spiritual matters". Those are her words. She has been my English
student in the past.
We´re just a bit sad that we haven´t been able to continue on (for now) with our Kids Bible Club and the legal and social
regulations just don´t allow for children´s camps or other activities this summer. Pray that this will blow over and that
children will again be able to hear the Gospel.
One more concern which is heavy on our hearts. The good news is that Ruben passed high school! The bad news is that
the government here does not want to accept his primary and middle school grades he received from a school in the U.S.
They want proof that he resided in the U.S. during that time. We have no way of doing that, especially since he has a U.S.
passport and has no need for visa, consular certificates, etc. Please pray about this. He cannot officially graduate and
continue his studies here in Spain if he doesn´t get that official go-ahead.
Thanks for your continued prayers and financial support throughout these days. We appreciate your being there.
Kevin & Olga Kenney
Moià, Barcelona, Spain
+34.627.55.27.99 (WhatsApp available)
Giving out food to needy people during lockdown. Some of our people still don´t have work. First 3 pics
Olga getting up some ideas for future kids clubs
Screenshot of Zoom with our family far away.
May 29, 2020, 4:44 PM (4 days ago)
Dear praying brothers and sisters,
I feel the need to sit and spend some time writing all of you. We have had some 8 weeks of virtually absolute lockdown.
Now it´s starting to come to an end and it´s like climbing out of a tornado shelter after a category 4 storm, except that the
damage has been and is still being done to people rather than to nature and buildings.
At the beginning of this experience we sort of looked around and said, “What can we do to serve the Lord cooped up here?”
Our activities with children and the people of our town were closed down and still are… However, in a very short time I
believe the Lord opened up a great door of service for us which we perceive will continue from now on.
Let me give you an idea of what we´ve been doing…and a couple special prayer requests.
Let´s see:
- On Sundays via Zoom videoconference we´ve been attending church meetings with a congregation we invest
- some time in that is 45 minutes away. That´s been good. It´s good to get to know them and create closer bonds
- of fellowship. In the evening we had our own Zoom meeting. Couldn´t sing together (sometimes one of us
- would sing, we´d turn off the rest of the mics, and sing along with the shared screen), but we shared our burdens
- and joys and prayed together. The lack of singing pushed us to share and pray more. And the teaching went well
- and there were lively discussions after the meetings about the teaching and situations that each one had.
of ladies, both ours and one in another town, and Kevin has discipled a young man who attends a church an hour away
and has no one there who can help him.
3. On Tuesdays we have our Bible study and prayer time. Several have attended from other congregations.
4. Wednesday or Thursday mornings were taken up with phone calls discipling another young man, and in the
evening Kevin just started up a Zoom Bible study and discipleship session with another young man in Puerto Rico.
Pray for their growth and understanding and wisdom.
5. Thursday evenings are game time with several people. We came up with a variation of “Wits & Wagers” using
Bible questions. It goes over well…we´ve even played it with Zoom with my family in Puerto Rico and the U.S. It helps
with our bonds of friendship and family.
- On Friday evenings Kevin continued his Bible study via Zoom on Revelation (about 2 hours). Many more
- attended through that means because they were from other places (towns or even Puerto Rico) or because that are
- house-bound due to illness.
inductively. The response has been really good, and we´re quite sure that this Zoom meeting with be on-going. It´s a
small group of about 8 from 4 different towns, but it´s so encouraging to have an input in these men and women.
Other than that, Olga has been on the phone a lot with people, and Kevin, aside from preparing for the week, has been
starting to record some his projects for podcasts and has started to put together a book that hopefully will serve as a manual,
a resource to help with interpretive issues regarding many passages on “faith” and “salvation”. Unfortunately, we had to
postpone our trip northwest to the seminary for the intensive course on the Feasts of Israel until Passover of 2021. But we´re
looking forward to it.
We did have the opportunity to give out food to several needy famiiies. Olga was able to do this as an exceptional thing
during the almost absolute lockdown. I´ll add a few pics at the end.
We are planning on returning to our meeting place this coming Sunday. But we don´t want to lose the fellowship we have
had with several who, without leaving their own churches and not having meetings in the evening, have joined our Zoom
meetings in the evenings in Moià. They want to encourage our small fellowship. So, we are working on a way to have them
on a large screen via Zoom and participating with us in our meetings…even speaking from far away. And speaking of that,
Bob and Karon Schneider (that´s my sister and brother-in-law) had me do some speaking over in Puerto Rico via audio
conference a couple times. And I´ve been asked to speak again this Sunday afternoon (6-hour difference).
Another good thing that has come about is that John, an older Catalan gentleman that Kevin has spent a lot of time with,
has been attending our Zoom meetings both on Tuesdays and Sundays. He listens well and then we all chat with him after
the formal meeting is over. Pray that he will be convinced and convicted by everyone present, and that he will be saved.
His wife also has expressed an interest in "talking about spiritual matters". Those are her words. She has been my English
student in the past.
We´re just a bit sad that we haven´t been able to continue on (for now) with our Kids Bible Club and the legal and social
regulations just don´t allow for children´s camps or other activities this summer. Pray that this will blow over and that
children will again be able to hear the Gospel.
One more concern which is heavy on our hearts. The good news is that Ruben passed high school! The bad news is that
the government here does not want to accept his primary and middle school grades he received from a school in the U.S.
They want proof that he resided in the U.S. during that time. We have no way of doing that, especially since he has a U.S.
passport and has no need for visa, consular certificates, etc. Please pray about this. He cannot officially graduate and
continue his studies here in Spain if he doesn´t get that official go-ahead.
Thanks for your continued prayers and financial support throughout these days. We appreciate your being there.
Kevin & Olga Kenney
Moià, Barcelona, Spain
+34.627.55.27.99 (WhatsApp available)
Giving out food to needy people during lockdown. Some of our people still don´t have work. First 3 pics
Olga getting up some ideas for future kids clubs
Screenshot of Zoom with our family far away.
Kevin Kenney
4:19 AM (4 hours ago)
to Kevin, bcc: HFCBible
Dear Everyone,
Just about over jetlag! Thanks for your prayers, notes, and gifts throughout these months. My eye is still a bit dilated but it should be fine as the meds wear off.
My Dad is doing better after a change in med--fewer hallucinations and better sleep. He did have a hard fall before I left, but he got better okay, nothing was broken.
I'm already back into the swing of things with some of the Bible studies. And Olga is doing well with the kids' Bible club. Nice to be back...but it was hard to leave family in Wisconsin.
Kevin & Olga Kenney
Moià, Barcelona, Spain
Kevin Kenney
4:19 AM (4 hours ago)
to Kevin, bcc: HFCBible
Dear Everyone,
Just about over jetlag! Thanks for your prayers, notes, and gifts throughout these months. My eye is still a bit dilated but it should be fine as the meds wear off.
My Dad is doing better after a change in med--fewer hallucinations and better sleep. He did have a hard fall before I left, but he got better okay, nothing was broken.
I'm already back into the swing of things with some of the Bible studies. And Olga is doing well with the kids' Bible club. Nice to be back...but it was hard to leave family in Wisconsin.
Kevin & Olga Kenney
Moià, Barcelona, Spain
Kevin Kenney
Wed, Feb 12, 11:52 AM (20 hours ago)
to bcc: HFCBible
Just a note to all.
My surgeon gave me the surprising news that I had to postpone returning back to Spain for another 3 weeks! He put his approval on my returning on the 1st of March. Wow! I did expect one more week and returning on the 15th but that didn´t happen. I´m very grateful that, apart from the refracting rays on the little bubble in my eye, my eyesight is fully recovered. And content to be where the Lord has me...though I know it´s a bit hard on Olga. Thanks for your notes and prayers!
(608)401-1074 (temporary phone in the U.S.)
+34.627.55.27.99 (only available through WhatsApp)
Wed, Feb 12, 11:52 AM (20 hours ago)
to bcc: HFCBible
Just a note to all.
My surgeon gave me the surprising news that I had to postpone returning back to Spain for another 3 weeks! He put his approval on my returning on the 1st of March. Wow! I did expect one more week and returning on the 15th but that didn´t happen. I´m very grateful that, apart from the refracting rays on the little bubble in my eye, my eyesight is fully recovered. And content to be where the Lord has me...though I know it´s a bit hard on Olga. Thanks for your notes and prayers!
(608)401-1074 (temporary phone in the U.S.)
+34.627.55.27.99 (only available through WhatsApp)
Kevin Kenney
Jan 29, 2020, 1:04 PM (20 hours ago)
to Kevin, bcc: HFCBible
Dear Everyone,
We are overwhelmed by the extra gifts and offerings y´all sent to us this last month! Sometimes we just sit
still wondering how the Lord is going to supersede our circumstances...and He always does... We are very
Can you believe it? We´re at the end of January already. Olga came to Wisconsin at the end of December for
3 weeks and left on the 18th. It was a blessing to have her here with my not being able to drive safely--a public
thanks to CSBF for providing for her plane ticket. She drove us around and helped in so many ways.
It looks like the doctor may let me get on an airplane when I go for an appointment on Feb 6th. On a related
note, I would ask for prayer that our insurance in Spain would cover a good chunk of my eye surgery bill.
Olga´s back in Spain now with her activities with the children. The day after she got back home, Catalunya, our
state, had the biggest rain and snow storms it´s seen in decades. A foot and a half of snow in places that get
paralyzed with only half an inch! And then a tremendous amount of water fell on that same day! I´m thankful
there were no leaks in our house and that the literal river that was flowing by our home didn´t affect the electrical
installation, which it did in our neighbor´s house.
As for me, Kevin, I´m happy to be here these last few day helping my parents, speaking a bit at church, using
the snowblower, preparing my future Bible studies, visiting with my Dad, Mom, family,... which is so nice. Dad
will be staying at the long term facility from now on, but my Mom would like to bring him home quite often during
the week.
I´ll leave you with a few pictures. Thanks again for your prayers and generosity, notes of encouragement. They
have been a big blessing.
Kevin & Olga Kenney
Temporary phone in the U.S.: 1.608.401.1074
WhatsApp: +34.627.55.27.99 (Kevin); +34.670.03.83.91 (Olga)
Playing Rummikub with Dad
Singing Christmas songs with the residents at the nursing home
Karon, Dad, Mom, Tim, Kathy (Kevin´s family)
Christmas Fair in Moià on December 15
Jan 29, 2020, 1:04 PM (20 hours ago)
to Kevin, bcc: HFCBible
Dear Everyone,
We are overwhelmed by the extra gifts and offerings y´all sent to us this last month! Sometimes we just sit
still wondering how the Lord is going to supersede our circumstances...and He always does... We are very
Can you believe it? We´re at the end of January already. Olga came to Wisconsin at the end of December for
3 weeks and left on the 18th. It was a blessing to have her here with my not being able to drive safely--a public
thanks to CSBF for providing for her plane ticket. She drove us around and helped in so many ways.
It looks like the doctor may let me get on an airplane when I go for an appointment on Feb 6th. On a related
note, I would ask for prayer that our insurance in Spain would cover a good chunk of my eye surgery bill.
Olga´s back in Spain now with her activities with the children. The day after she got back home, Catalunya, our
state, had the biggest rain and snow storms it´s seen in decades. A foot and a half of snow in places that get
paralyzed with only half an inch! And then a tremendous amount of water fell on that same day! I´m thankful
there were no leaks in our house and that the literal river that was flowing by our home didn´t affect the electrical
installation, which it did in our neighbor´s house.
As for me, Kevin, I´m happy to be here these last few day helping my parents, speaking a bit at church, using
the snowblower, preparing my future Bible studies, visiting with my Dad, Mom, family,... which is so nice. Dad
will be staying at the long term facility from now on, but my Mom would like to bring him home quite often during
the week.
I´ll leave you with a few pictures. Thanks again for your prayers and generosity, notes of encouragement. They
have been a big blessing.
Kevin & Olga Kenney
Temporary phone in the U.S.: 1.608.401.1074
WhatsApp: +34.627.55.27.99 (Kevin); +34.670.03.83.91 (Olga)
Playing Rummikub with Dad
Singing Christmas songs with the residents at the nursing home
Karon, Dad, Mom, Tim, Kathy (Kevin´s family)
Christmas Fair in Moià on December 15
From 2006 to 2014 Kevin and Olga split their ministry between Castellbisbal and Moia, Spain. In Moia they made many contacts and friendships ( joined the town choir, held Bible expos, Christmas and Resurrection week evangelistic concerts and taught English in an academy and in a cultural center. They also helped to organize Bible camps for kids and young people. In 2014 Kevin and Olga felt the need to concentrate their efforts in Moia. The church family had grown some. They rented a small meeting place in the center of Moia. Olga’s children’s club began to grow and she now has 12-20 kids that come to club on Tuesday after school. She has many Muslim children coming which is quite a challenge. Moia is a challenge and always has been. Many have tried to plant a church there and have failed. It is closed to the Gospel and is very New Age and leftist in it’s political leanings. Their congregation has had it’s ups and downs in the last year and a half and right now it is low due to a lack of commitment to Christ and a high priority to working and to one’s family. Please pray for Kevin and Olga as Moia is heavy on their hearts right now.
In February of 2017 the Lord opened the doors to start a Bible study in the city of Vic which is about 40 minutes away from Kevin and Olga. Vic is a town of 42,000 people. They lead a Bible study on Tuesday mornings. They record all the sessions and put them on WhatsApp for many people to listen to that are unable to come to the Bible Studies. They now have people listening in Olot which is 35 minutes from Vic, Madrid and Venezuela. Kevin then has a Bible study in Badia del Valles. The Bible study is held in a small ground floor storefront apartment building. There is a congregation of around 40 people who are faithful believers. They are faithful in passing out tracts and attending meetings and are now planning to start a Good News Bible club in the same place that Kevin teaches the Bible Study.
Kevin and Olga attend a sing-time during the week on Thursday nights with the town choir in Moia. Stephen and Olga are involved with the Manger Scene association in town months before Christmas. Kevin attends an early Sunday morning breakfast with the men in town who are not believers. Kevin has almost finished translating the New Testament Bible teaching materials of Bible Visuals International. They help organize retreats or conferences for families, couples, ladies or men.
Kevin and Olga attend a sing-time during the week on Thursday nights with the town choir in Moia. Stephen and Olga are involved with the Manger Scene association in town months before Christmas. Kevin attends an early Sunday morning breakfast with the men in town who are not believers. Kevin has almost finished translating the New Testament Bible teaching materials of Bible Visuals International. They help organize retreats or conferences for families, couples, ladies or men.
Kevin KenneyJan 1, 2020, 12:08 PM (23 hours ago)
to Kevin, bcc: HFCBible
Dear praying brothers and sisters,
Our calendar year starts over again...and God's calendar moves on too. Happy New Year!
Just a short note to let you know about the latest happenings.
On the first days of December Kevin traveled over to the U.S. to help his Mom for 15 days as she cared for Dad who had had a heart attack. Things got complicated and Kevin stayed for another 15 days. However, some days later a cloud started growing rapidly in Kevin´s right eye and on the 24th the eye doctor sent him by medical emergency to the UW Hospital in Madison. At 11am he had the eye exam and at 3:30pm he was in the hospital waiting for surgery. Surgery lasted for 2 hours on Chrismas Day. The surgeon was able to reattach the retina (50% was detached). We´ll see what level of vision there is in about 10 weeks from today. Now I´ll speak in first person. :-) You know, I marvel at how the Lord had me in the right place with the right people at the right time. Everything went so fast!
The doctor had me face down for 3 days and has told me I can´t fly as long as the gas in my inner eye hasn´t dissolved--that´s 6-7 weeks from Christmas Day! So the Lord has me here in Mazomanie, WI and Olga just arrived here to be with me for about 3 weeks.
My Dad has been in the hospital twice now and is presently in a rehab home. Hopefully he will get to be strong enough to walk well and go home. Pray for Mom and Dad, LeRoy and Barbara Kenney, whom many of you supported for many years. Pray especially for my Mom as she cares for my Dad.
I´ll send you a couple of pics of the Kids Bible Club as they wrapped up the end of the year with a Christmas story. You´ll not recognize Olga as she dressed up as one of the Wise Men. :-) There´s also a picture of Christmas Day dinner at home. Olga actually had a variety of saved and unsaved people, friends and lonely people... I couldn´t be there but it was a good time, I´m told.
to Kevin, bcc: HFCBible
Dear praying brothers and sisters,
Our calendar year starts over again...and God's calendar moves on too. Happy New Year!
Just a short note to let you know about the latest happenings.
On the first days of December Kevin traveled over to the U.S. to help his Mom for 15 days as she cared for Dad who had had a heart attack. Things got complicated and Kevin stayed for another 15 days. However, some days later a cloud started growing rapidly in Kevin´s right eye and on the 24th the eye doctor sent him by medical emergency to the UW Hospital in Madison. At 11am he had the eye exam and at 3:30pm he was in the hospital waiting for surgery. Surgery lasted for 2 hours on Chrismas Day. The surgeon was able to reattach the retina (50% was detached). We´ll see what level of vision there is in about 10 weeks from today. Now I´ll speak in first person. :-) You know, I marvel at how the Lord had me in the right place with the right people at the right time. Everything went so fast!
The doctor had me face down for 3 days and has told me I can´t fly as long as the gas in my inner eye hasn´t dissolved--that´s 6-7 weeks from Christmas Day! So the Lord has me here in Mazomanie, WI and Olga just arrived here to be with me for about 3 weeks.
My Dad has been in the hospital twice now and is presently in a rehab home. Hopefully he will get to be strong enough to walk well and go home. Pray for Mom and Dad, LeRoy and Barbara Kenney, whom many of you supported for many years. Pray especially for my Mom as she cares for my Dad.
I´ll send you a couple of pics of the Kids Bible Club as they wrapped up the end of the year with a Christmas story. You´ll not recognize Olga as she dressed up as one of the Wise Men. :-) There´s also a picture of Christmas Day dinner at home. Olga actually had a variety of saved and unsaved people, friends and lonely people... I couldn´t be there but it was a good time, I´m told.